Task Forces

  1. Taskforce for Patient-centred Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant Tuberculosis (PMDT) - (closed)
  2. GDI Triage Task Force - (active)
  3. Taskforce on Advocacy for PMDT - (closed)
  4. DR-TB STAT - (active)
  5. TB, Human Rights and the Law Task Force - (active)

Taskforce for Patient-centred Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant Tuberculosis (PMDT)

The Taskforce to establish Patient-centred PMDT has had a fruitful first year. The concept note was agreed in July 2014 and the funds transferred to International Council of Nurses at the beginning of September 2014.

The first training course for Nurse Consultants was held in Quezon City in the Philippines from 17-21 November 2014 in collaboration with rGLC, WPRO, Philippine NTP and the Philippine Nurses Association. The training included theoretical input, practical exercises and site visits arranged in collaboration with Philippines NTP Manager. Participants were from 10 different countries: Cambodia, China, Ethiopia, Latvia, Lao, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand and Viet Nam.

Comments re the Nurse consultant training

"After the Manila workshop, my attitude on patient-centred approach is much clearer and stronger. I've gained more understanding and have tried every way to integrate it into my work here in Thailand. Next week, I am a solo training facilitator of 60 community health nurses in Bangkok. I have applied all aspects of the patient-centred approach to the whole day agenda." Sirinapha Jittimanee, Thailand (15/12/14)

PCC plans in 2015

  • Follow up and expand burse consultant training in other regions aiming at having a nurse consultant on each rGLC to address "Patient support, nursing care and case holding"
  • Establish the repository of information re PCC and develop a social media network
  • Support a piece of work to cost implementation of PCC
  • Consolidate efforts for advocacy and communication around PC