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TB Infection Control Subgroup

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Meetings and Events

3rd Meeting of the Core Group and of the Sub-Working Group on TB Infection Control - Berlin 2010

The Core Group (CG) conducted its 3rd meeting in Berlin, Germany on 9 10 November 2010. After the publication of the WHO Policy on TB-IC in Health-Care Facilities, Congregate Settings and Household guidelines (2009) and an Advocacy strategy document for the adoption of this Policy (June 2010), TB-IC has entered a new phase of scaling-up TB-IC implementation worldwide. Therefore, the overall objective of the meeting was to elaborate and to discuss the overall strategy and the specific activities towards this new phase. A total of 20 professionals participated. Due to the fact that almost all prior Work plans of the Core Working Group have been implemented (including some tools that were launched or distributed at the Berlin Conference), we developed new strategic directions for the coming years, together with an important list of future deliverables that were agreed upon by the Core Group.

The full report can be found here.

On 14 November 2010, the overall TB-IC Sub-Working Group met and discussed several aspects of TB-IC scaling-up, together with the new Core Group's annual Work plan.

2nd Core Team Meeting of the TB Infection Control Subgroup

The Core Team (CT) of the TB Infection Control Subgroup conducted its second meeting in Amsterdam on 25-26 August, 2009. The overall objective of the meeting was to review the status of activities outlined in the 2008-09 work plan for the CT. with the responsible persons, and draft a plan of work for 2009-10. The group reviewed the major recommendations arising from the a ministerial meeting of high M/XDR-TB burden countries, held in Beijing, China from 1-3 April 2009, and discussed challenges and opportunities to scale up implementation of TB infection control measures in light of the recommendations and "Call for Action". They also looked at the progress in the global response re implementing TB infection control at health care, congregate settings, and in the community. Based on the accomplishments to date on the 2008-09 plan of work, and opportunities posed by Beijing meeting and "call for action", the CT drafted a plan of work for 2009-2010.