Stop TB Partnership’s TB REACH Call on Experts in Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis to Review Wave 9 Proposals

29 January 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - Stop TB Partnership’s innovative funding arm - TB REACH – seeks candidates to join our Proposal Review Committee (PRC), which provides independent recommendations on funding. Individuals actively engaged in the fight to end tuberculosis (TB) are encouraged to apply. This year’s cohort of projects will focus exclusively on addressing drug-resistant TB (DR-TB). The TB REACH PRC will review proposals to improve linkage to care, rapid uptake of novel treatment regimens, and treatment outcomes for people with DR-TB.

In September 2018, the United Nations High-Level Meeting on TB set the stage for high-level attention and action on TB. This meeting established the ambitious target of diagnosing and enrolling an additional 40 million people on TB treatment by 2022, and treatment of 1.5 million people with DR-TB. Through Wave 9 funding, TB REACH seeks projects that can devise innovative ways of linking more people with DR-TB to care to reduce pre-treatment loss to follow, implementing new DR-TB treatment regimens, or improving treatment adherence and outcomes.

The Wave 9 PRC candidates should have a strong background in DR-TB across different areas, which may include: DR-TB case detection, linking people to DR-TB care, new DR-TB treatment regimens, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), pediatric DR-TB, mHealth/ICT, DR-TB diagnostics, laboratory systems, being a DR-TB survivor, community and civil society engagement, and organizational capacity development. In forming the PRC we will look to ensure we have a diverse group with geographic, organizational, and gender balance.

The PRC applications will be open until 19 February 2021, 17:00 Geneva time. Please follow this link for more information on PRC and application materials.

Click here to read more about the Wave 9 call for proposals.