TB REACH funds projects that seek to evaluate the ability of innovate approaches and technologies to improve treatment adherence and outcomes. Success of these projects is thus not assessed on the basis of an increasing number of people started on TB treatment (additional notifications) (see evaluation category ‘improving case detection’). Funding in this category is prioritized for settings where treatment adherence and treatment success rates are low.

The treatment course for a single drug-resistant TB patient lasts longer than the period of a TB REACH grant. TB REACH accepts proposals focused on improving drug-resistant TB (interim) treatment outcomes as long as the interventions are not interrupted or terminated with the end of the TB REACH grant and would thus put treatment initiated patients at life risk. The recently introduced shorter MDR-TB regimen of 9-months treatment duration can be easier fitted into the period of a TB REACH grant.

Proposals or funded projects that seek to improve TB treatment adherence and outcomes should establish their interventions in such way that they contribute to the achievement of the third of the 90-(90)-90 targets of the PDF icon Global Plan to End TB 2016-2020– achieving treatment success for at least 90% of all diagnosed people with all forms of TB.