The following persons are Board members. Details on the composition of the Board can be found here.
H.E. Dr Teodoro Javier Herbosa
Honourable Secretary of the Department of Health
Government of The Philippines
Dr Teodoro Javier Herbosa has been the Secretary of the Department of Health since 6 June 2023. He was born on 6 May 1959 and has a degree from the University of the Philippines and postgraduate studies in medicine from the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. He served as Undersecretary of the Department of Health from 2010 to 2015, and was a Special Advisor to the National Task Force Against COVID-19 at the height of the pandemic.
Mr. Arinze Austin Obiefuna
Executive Director, Afro Global Alliance
Mr. Obiefuna Austin Arinze took office as Stop TB Partnership Board Vice-Chair in January 2022. He is a Law graduate from Nigeria resident in Ghana. He used to be a Member of the Developing Country NGO Constituency Delegation to the Stop TB Partnership. Mr. Obiefuna is the Executive Director of Afro Global Alliance. He has chalked many successes including advising governments, CSOs and other partners on public health design and implementation and integrated support programmes including behavioral change, human rights and building partnerships. He has also served in other capacities, was a member and former Vice-Chair of the Ghana Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism CCM, former member of the Ghana National TB Advisory Board, and was the founding National Coordinator of the Stop TB Partnership Ghana. Mr. Obiefuna is a World Health Organisation consultant and a member of the WHO AFRO Regional Green Light Committee.