The board

The Stop TB Partnership is governed by the Board, supported by two standing Board Committees: the Executive Committee, and the Finance Committee. The powers, duties and functions of the Executive and Finance Committees are defined in the Governance Manual.

The Stop TB Partnership Board provides leadership and direction; monitors the implementation of agreed policies, plans, and activities of the Partnership; and ensures coordination among Stop TB Partnership components.

The role of the Board

The Stop TB Partnership Board has a responsibility: a) to the global TB community to build awareness, facilitate consensus on strategy, and identify key strategic issues affecting TB; and b) to the Secretariat to set strategic direction, provide oversight and guidance, and approve budgets.

To fulfil this dual role, the Board has the following specific responsibilities:

  • Provide overall strategic direction for the Partnership to address TB as a public health threat.
  • Approve the Global Plan to End TB, the Secretariat Operational Strategy, and the Secretariat budget.
  • Review the Secretariat annual budget against the Operational Strategy.
  • Monitor the performance of the Operational Strategy and work plan against a set of approved metrics.
  • Make recommendations regarding the recruitment of the Executive Secretary, conduct an annual performance assessment and, if required, make recommendations to the host organization regarding the termination of the Executive Secretary’s contract.
  • Establish the overall principles and direction for the governing, administrative and advisory bodies of the Board and any additional Board structures, e.g., task forces, sub-committees.
  • Elect the Board Chair, Vice-Chair, and Finance Committee Chair through transparent selection processes.
  • Oversee the effectiveness and efficiency of the governance model, including amending the composition of the Board, creating, or terminating structures, and reviewing/adjusting governance policies, as necessary.
  • Establish and oversee the strategy for identifying and managing risks, particularly strategic, reputational, and operational risks.
  • Influence other actors in the global health community to promote the TB agenda and mobilize resources for TB.
  • Provide a platform for all TB voices to be heard.

Board composition

The Board is composed of:

  • Four representatives of financial donors
  • One representative of foundations
  • One representative from WHO
  • One representative from Global Fund
  • One representative of multilaterals*
  • Two representatives of a developing country NGO*
  • One representative of a developed country NGO*
  • One representative of the private sector*
  • One representative of the private sector providers in high TB burden countries*
  • Three representatives from community of people affected by TB*
  • Six representatives from countries affected by TB
  • One representative of Innovations*
  • Two representatives from key and vulnerable populations*
  • One open seat

Additionally, there are the following non-voting seats on the Board:

  • Board Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • Executive Director, Stop TB Partnership