Status of CRG work
The Deadly Divide: Accountability Report of TB Affected Communities & Civil Society
To end TB by 2030 we need enhanced social accountability that can ensure that the Deadly Divide between promises and realities is closed. TB affected communities and civil society are leading global efforts to develop monitoring, oversight and review mechanisms to support this.
2023 Report:
English | Francais | Hindi | Portugues | Русский | Español
Executive Summary & Call of Action:
English | Francais | Русский | Espagnol
2020 Report:
English | Francais | Portugues | Русский | Español | Arabic
Executive Summary & Call of Action:
English | Francais | Portugues | Русский | Español | Arabic
Words Matter: Suggested Language and Usage for TB Communication
Country Profiles: Community, Rights and Gender (CRG)
Bangladesh |
Cambodia |
Cameroon |
DR Congo |
Ethiopia |
Ghana |
India |
Indonesia |
Kazakhstan |
Kenya |
Kyrgyzstan | Malawi |
Mozambique |
Myanmar |
Nepal |
Nigeria |
Pakistan |
Papua New Guinea |
Peru |
Philippines |
South Africa |
Tajikistan |
Tanzania |
Uganda |
Ukraine |
Uzbekistan |
VietNam |
Zambia |
Declaration of the Rights of People Affected by TB
English | Espagnol | Portugues | Русский | Al-arabiyyah | Francais
Legal Environment and Human Rights Scorecard
The Nairobi Strategy: A Human Rights-based Approach to Tuberculosis
Activating a Human Rights-based Tuberculosis Response
Priority TB CRG Interventions for the Global Fund Application
The Rights to Breathe: Human Rights Training for People with TB
Publications & Evidence
Key considerations for TB legislation
A Human Rights-based Response to TB
Reflections of Justice Edwin Cameron on the Declaration of the Rights of People Affected by TB
Tuberculosis and the Law in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Nairobi Strategy: A Human Rights-based Approach to TB
Summary - The Nairobi Strategy: at a glance
Lessons from Jonathan Mann: The Ten Commandments on Multidrug-Resistant TB
Letter to the Editor: Human Rights, TB, Legislation and Jurisprudence
TB Stigma Assessment Tool
The aim of the Stigma Assessment tool is to assess, using both qualitative and quantitative methods, the extent to which and how TB stigma acts as a barrier to accessing services, and to support the development of recommendations to address TB stigma so that quality TB services are available, accessible, and acceptable to all.
TB KVP Size Estimation Tool
Key Populations Briefs
TB Case Finding with Key Populations: Field Guide
Assessment Protocol: Barriers to Accessing TB Services
Action Planning: Barriers to Accessing TB Services
National Assessments on Barriers to Accessing TB Services
Armenia TB CRG Assessment
Bangladesh TB CRG Assessment
Benin TB CRG Action Plan
Bolivia TB CRG Assessment
Cambodia TB Key Population Assessment
Colombia TB CRG Assessment
DR Congo TB CRG Assessment | TB CRG Action Plan
Dominican Republic TB CRG Assessment
Eastern Europe & Central Asia Region TB CRG Assessment
El Salvador TB CRG Assessment
Ethiopia TB CRG Assessment
Georgia TB CRG Assessment
Guatemala TB CRG Assessment
Haiti TB CRG Assessment
Honduras TB CRG Assessment
India TB Data for Action for KVP | TB Legal Environment Assessment | Summary TB Legal Environment Assessment
Indonesia TB CRG Assessment
Kazakhstan TB CRG Assessment | Русский | English
Kenya TB KVP Data for Action | TB Legal Environment Assessment |
Kyrgyzstan TB Legal Environment Assessment | English | Русский |
Mexico TB CRG Assessment
Mozambique TB CRG Assessment
Nepal TB CRG Assessment
Nigeria TB KVP Prioritisation & Assessment | TB Legal Environment Assessment | TB CRG Action Plan |
Pakistan TB CRG Assessment
Paraguay TB CRG Assessment
Panama TB CRG Assessment
Peru TB CRG Assessment
Philippines TB CRG Assessment
South Africa TB CRG Assessment
Tanzania TB KVP Data for Action | TB Legal Environment Assessment
Ukraine TB CRG Assessment | TB Legal Environment Assessment | Summary TB Legal Environment Assessment