Artificial intelligence-powered computer-aided detection (CAD) software

The introducing New Tools Project (iNTP)

The introducing New Tools Project (iNTP)  has supported the introduction and scale-up of computer-aided detection (CAD) technology in 7 countries globally to assist with TB detection. CAD uses artificial intelligence to identify signs of TB in chest X-rays and therefore provides decision support to clinical staff reading chest X-rays. CAD can be used in the absence of radiologists to assist active case finding activities in the field in conjunction with the ultra-portable X-ray systems provided under the iNTP.

Between Q4 2021 and Q3 2023, over 430,000 people were screened using ultra-portable X-ray systems and CAD under the iNTP, and almost 14,000 people with TB were detected. For more details on the project's impact, see the X-ray and CAD Results Report.  

Visit the Country Experiences page to learn more about how these CAD products have been introduced under the project.

The iNTP will support additional countries with CAD in 2025.

Countries that have implemented CAD products under the project  


Availability through Stop TB Partnership's GDF

Several CAD products are available through Stop TB Partnership's Global Drug Facility (GDF).

For more information, see the GDF Diagnostics, Medical Devices & Other Health Products Catalog and GDF Diagnostics, Medical Devices & Other Health Products Ordering List

Stop TB’s full range of work on CAD products can be found here.

Resources for implementation
Screening and Triage for TB using Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) Technology and Ultra-portable X-Ray Systems: A Practical Guide
Dépistage et triage de la tuberculose à l'aide de la technologie de détection assistée par ordinateur (DAO) et des systèmes de radiographie ultra-portables : Guide pratique
Скрининг и триаж на туберкулез с использованием технологии компьютеризированного обнаружения (CAD) и ультрапортативных рентгеновских систем Практическое руководство
Detección y triaje de la tuberculosis utilizando tecnología de detección asistida por computadora (CAD) y sistemas de rayos X ultraportátiles: una guía práctica
X-ray and CAD Results Report