The introducing New Tools Project (iNTP) has been the first large scale roll-out of ultra-portable X-ray devices that are battery-operated, emit lower doses of radiation, and can be packed into backpacks and so easily transported into the field. Under the project, 63 ultra-portable X-ray systems have been provided to 7 countries to facilitate detection of TB in hard-to-reach populations that currently face barriers to accessing services. Using ultra-portable X-rays in conjunction with CAD solutions and Truenat molecular diagnostics presents an opportunity to find TB cases in the most remote settings.

Visit the Country Experiences page to learn more about how these ultra-portable X-ray systems have been introduced under the project.

Countries that have implemented ultra-portable X-ray under the project


Availability through Stop TB Partnership's GDF

Two ultra-portable X-ray products (Delft Light and Fujifilm FDR Xair) are available through Stop TB’s GDF (prices as of January 2022 and subject to change; contact GDF for detailed terms). The systems are provided with all necessary components to operate in the field: 

  • Delft Light - $66,750
  • Fujifilm FDR Xair- $47,000

Equipment should be purchased with an installation and training package costing $2,500 for Delft Light and $2,000 for Fujifilm FDR Xair. Procurement includes an initial 1-year warranty that can be extended at extra cost for 1 year ($4,460 [Delft Light], $5,000 [Fujifilm FDR Xair]) or 3 years ($27,834 [Delft Light], $15,000 [Fujifilm FDR Xair]). A discount can be obtained when procuring the Delft Light with the CAD system CAD4TB. 

For more information, see the GDF Diagnostics, Medical Devices & Other Health Products Catalog and GDF Diagnostics, Medical Devices & Other Health Products Ordering List

Resources for implementation

Screening and Triage for TB using Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) Technology and Ultra-portable X-Ray Systems: A Practical Guide
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Dépistage et triage de la tuberculose à l'aide de la technologie de détection assistée par ordinateur (DAO) et des systèmes de radiographie ultra-portables : Guide pratique
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Скрининг и триаж на туберкулез с использованием технологии компьютеризированного обнаружения (CAD) и ультрапортативных рентгеновских систем Практическое руководство
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Detección y triaje de la tuberculosis utilizando tecnología de detección asistida por computadora (CAD) y sistemas de rayos X ultraportátiles: una guía práctica
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