Members of the Developing Country NGO Constituency Delegation
Name | Organization.............. | Country of work |
Board Members | ||
Subrat Mohanty | Humana People to People India | India |
Mayowa Joel | Stop TB Nigeria | Nigeria |
Alternate Board Members | ||
Choub Sok Chamreun | KHANA | Cambodia |
Delegation Members | ||
Bertrand Kampoer | Global Coalition of TB Advocate | Cameroon |
Márcia Leão | Stop TB Brazil | Brazil |
Rodrick Mugishagwe | EANNASO | Tanzania |
Philip Waweru Mgugua | National Organization of Peer Educators | Nigeria |
Amara Quesada | Action for Health Initiatives | Philippines |
Rachel Otu Amponsah | Africa Coalition on TB (ACT) | Ghana |
To reach the Constituency Focal Point (CFP) of this delegation, please contact: Abudu Imoro -
![]() | -Subrat Mohanty is a social development professional with nearly 30 years of experience in the field of health and development. He currently leads the strategic coordination across health projects at Humana People to People India, where he is responsible for overseeing the execution of various large-scale health initiatives. His expertise lies in the management and coordination of complex projects and national-level programs, including USAID-supported projects. Prior to that, Subrat served as a Senior Advisor at REACH, where he played a critical role in driving the organization’s objectives. He has extensive experience in leading, managing, and implementing Global Fund grants as the Principal Recipient in India, further demonstrating his capacity to manage high-impact international health funding. In addition to his programmatic leadership, he actively contributes to global health policy and advocacy. He is also an important voice within the UNITAID Civil Society Delegation and a member of the National TB Forum in India, where he works to address TB on both national and international levels. |
![]() | -Mayowa Joel is a Development Specialist and the Board Member representing Developing Country NGOs on the Stop TB Executive Board. With special focus on public health, Mayowa is the Executive Secretary of Stop TB Partnership Nigeria – a multi-stakeholder partnership working to end TB in Nigeria. He is also the Executive Director of Communication for Development Centre – an organization promoting effective and sustainable health and development programs in Africa. He provides technical assistance and manages programs on different development issues especially public health; community systems strengthening; socio-economic empowerment etc. He serves as resource person to many organizations and plays key roles in several committees and networks at the national, regional and global levels. He also contributes to wide range of articles and publications on health and development. |
![]() | -Bertrand Kampoer is a TB community activist and a human right advocate for the past 15 years based in Yaoundé, Cameroon. Its efforts in recent years have been oriented towards empowerment of networks of TB affected communities in order to strengthen community engagement and accountability in the TB response in Francophone Africa. Bertrand has a Masters in Public Health from the Faculty of Medicine, Nancy School of Public Health (France). |
![]() | -Choub Sok Chamreun, known as Chamreun is currently the Executive Director of Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance (KHANA). Chamreun has involved in public health over the past two decades and half. In addition to the experiences in primary health care, in the past twenty years, He is actively involved in the HIV, AIDS and TB prevention, care, support and treatment through his tireless efforts/commitment and activism in community mobilizations, community system strengthening and community and key population networks institutional and advocacy capacity development. |
![]() | -Márcia Leão is a Brazilian lawyer, she work with Human Rights and public health policies. She also work with parliament, on advocacy actions, in tuberculosis, hepatitis and HIV / AIDS. Stop TB Brasil. |
![]() | -Rodrick Mugishagwe is TB Program, Knowledge Management and Learning Manager at Eastern Africa National Network of AIDS and Health Service Organization (EANNASO) and National Coordinator for Tanzania TB Community Network (TTCN). He has a Master’s Degree in Project Planning and Management from Mzumbe University in Tanzania and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Management from the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom. Rodrick has over 6 years’ experience working with civil society and communities, providing technical support and capacity development in implementation TB programs and support communication work of the Global Fund Community Rights and Gender Platform for Anglophone Africa. Currently, he sits in the Tanzania Ministry of Health Community TB and TB in Mining technical working groups, Stop TB Partnership Board Member representing Developing Country NGOs Delegation and board member of the Tanzania Stop TB Partnership representing Civil Society. |
![]() | -Philip Waweru Mbugua has over twenty years' experience with HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria programs in East Africa. He is the founder and Executive Director of National Organization of Peer Educators (NOPE), headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. Philip is a member of the Board of the Stop TB Partnership Kenya and the Chairman of Africa Capacity Alliance (ACA). He holds an MA degree in Rural Sociology and Community Development from the University of Nairobi and a BA in Literature and Sociology from Kenyatta University. |
![]() | -Amara Quesada is the Executive Director of Action for Health Initiatives (ACHIEVE), Inc., an NGO in the Philippines, which has been working on HIV and AIDS, TB, human rights and gender and sexuality issues among key and vulnerable populations, particularly migrant workers and their families, people who use drugs, sex workers, people living with HIV and young key populations. She is the Principal Representative of ACHIEVE as a NGO representative to the Philippine National AIDS Council and a Steering Committee member of the Philippine Migrant Health Network. ACHIEVE also leads an NGO advocacy platform, the Network to Stop AIDS Philippines, and serves as the Secretariat of the United TB-HIV Advocates Network. |
![]() | Rachel Otu-Amponsah has a degree in economics,linguistics and law. She is a member of the Ghana Bar Association and a health advocate. She currently works with Afro global Alliance Ghana where she supports the TB33 campaign and Deadly divide 2.0. She has good communication skills and particularly interested in enforcement of human right, health awareness and advocacy campaigns of epidemic and pandemics in our society. |