National governments have explicitly and prominently articulated their commitment to ending TB stigma and all forms of discrimination, in line with the Political Declaration of the UN High-Level Meeting on the Fight Against TB and the targets set forth in the Global Plan to End TB and the End TB Strategy.

To support countries in upholding this commitment, the Stop TB Partnership developed the TB Stigma Assessment tool through a collective effort with multiple partners, including Activists’ Coalition on TB Asia-Pacific (ACT! Asia-Pacific), African Coalition on TB (ACT), Civil Society Movement Against Tuberculosis – Sierra Leone (CISMAT-SL), Dynamique de la Réponse d'Afrique Francophone sur la Tuberculose (DRAF TB), Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS and Health Service Organizations (EANNASO), International Council of Nurses, KELIN, Frontline AIDS, Global Coalition of TB Activists (GCTA), Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, National TB Program representatives, REACH, TB Europe Coalition (TBEC), TBpeople, KNCV, The Work for Change, UNAIDS, University of Sydney, Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, USAID and WHO.

The aim of the Stigma Assessment tool is to assess, using both qualitative and quantitative methods, the extent to which and how TB stigma acts as a barrier to accessing services, and to support the development of recommendations to address TB stigma so that quality TB services are available, accessible, and acceptable to all.