Scientific articles

Frank Cobelens et al., From latent to patent: rethinking prediction of tuberculosisThe Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 21 December 2016, free access login

D.E. Zak et al., A blood RNA signature for tuberculosis disease risk: a prospective cohort studyThe Lancet, 23 March 2016

M. Levin and M. Kaforou, Predicting active tuberculosis progression by RNA analysis (Comment), The Lancet, 23 March 2016

M.E. Wilson, (Reviewing D.E. Zak et al.) Markers of progression from latent to active tuberculosisNEJM Journal Watch, 6 April 2016

H. Getahun et al., Latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis InfectionNEJM, May 2015

K. Lönnroth et al., Towards tuberculosis elimination: an action framework for low-incidence countriesERJ, March 2015

H. Esmail et al., The ongoing challenge of latent tuberculosisPhil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2014


Framework towards tuberculosis elimination in low-incidence countries, WHO, 2014

Global WHO Consultation on Programmatic Management of LTBI
27-28 April 2016, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Agenda and presentations