Oct. ’17 - 1st Innovators & Adopters Workshop on TB Diagnostics & Adjunct Technologies

The Stop TB Partnership, in collaboration with FIND, McGill International TB Centre, Unitaid, and World Health Organization, organized the 1st Innovators & Adopters Workshop in TB Diagnostics & Adjunct Technologies, which was held on 9 October 2018 in Guadalajara, Mexico in advance of the 48th Union World Conference on Lung Health. The meeting objectives were:

  • Strengthen collaboration and communication between innovators, country decision-makers and stakeholders, including civil society and communities, and key partners to accelerate the roll-out of new TBDx;
  • Present the critical stages, sequence of activities, and key partners to roll-out new TBDx;
  • Provide innovators with the opportunity to share their experiences along the pathway to roll-out their TBDx;
  • Share information regarding the WHO product validation process, how innovators and countries can leverage TB REACH, Unitaid, and the Global Fund to drive roll-out of TBDx, and why it is important to engage civil society and communities early along the pathway; and
  • Achieve better balance between supply and demand for TBDx.

The agenda, participant list, presentations, and summary can be found at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/esgcu2t8geulkww/AABm1XkzlGiGsyVfkZ7LGXL2a?dl=0.