Monday, May 7, 2012 - 08:00 to 09:15
Las Cruces, New Mexico

3rd Annual US - Mexico border tuberculosis consortium meeting and legal forum

May 7-9, Las Cruces, New Mexico

TB program managers, clinicians, epidemiologists, and legal counsels from México and the U.S. are invited to develop effective strategies and operational approaches to achieve the following objectives:

• Ensure continuity of care of all TB patients on both sides of the US -Mexico Border

• Facilitate coordination in the management of TB patients among varied state and federal legal frameworks

• Establish uniform Meet and Greet Standards and Guidelines applicable to all TB patients being deported to México

• Establish the U.S.-México Border TB Continuity of Care and TB Legal Issues Work Groups

For more information, please contact Lizabeth Gutierrez, New Mexico Outreach

Office Coordinator at or (575)528-5146.