Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - 08:00 to 09:15

The Proposal Review Committee will meet in Geneva from 17 October to 2 November 2012 to review the proposals received in response to this second call for proposals, and recommend the projects that can be funded by TB REACH.


The terms of reference of the PRC are listed below:


1.               Review grant applications and make recommendations to the Stop TB Partnership (TBP) Secretariat on which grant applications to accept and which ones to reject, with brief justifications in accordance with the criteria and objectives of TB REACH.

2.               Recommend steps that may be necessary for successful applicants to meet with all conditions for TB REACH support.

3.               Make recommendations to technical partners on the aspects of the grant that will require technical assistance. 

4.               Prepare a Proposal Review Committee (PRC) report for the TBP Secretariat and fill in the PRC Review Form as feedback to each of the applicants regarding the quality of their proposal (including the clarifications or adjustments that needed, and the reasons for rejecting an application).

5.               Review and recommend Year 1 projects that may require a second year of funding.