The Global Plan is a 5-year investment plan that represents the roadmap to accelerating impact on the TB epidemic and reaching the targets of the WHO End TB Strategy.

This is the 4th Global Plan since the inception of Stop TB Partnership in 2000. This plan, based on the End TB strategy, aims to end TB and "walks away" from the limited approach aimed to "controlling" the diseases only. Specifically it speaks about preventing TB, active case finding and contact tracing, focusing attention to key vulnerable and marginalized groups, developing and roll out of new tools, and implementing TB services packages that are comprehensive and work in different type of epidemic and socioeconomic environments.

The plan provides a costed blue-print for how global TB efforts can become significantly more ambitious by dramatically changing the way TB programs are run, shifting to a more patient centred and community focused TB response. The Plan outlines what it takes to set the world on the right track to reach the goal to end TB by the year 2030 as set forth in the UN SDGs.

Based on the End TB strategy, the Global Plan walks away from the limited approach aimed to "controlling" the diseases only. The center of attention is TB prevention, active case finding and contact tracing, focusing on key vulnerable and marginalized groups, developing and roll out of new tools, and implementing TB services packages that are comprehensive and work in different epidemic and socioeconomic settings.

The Global Plan was endorsed at the highest level with Heads of State committing to fund and implement the plans 90-(90)-90 targets. The commitment was expressed in the Political Declaration issued at the 2016 UN High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS. Ministers of Health from the Africa and the South-East Asia Regions have also endorsed the Global Plan and its targets during their Regional Ministerial Meetings and the resulting Declarations.