BRICS countries have a combined population of almost 3 billion and a combined GDP of (USD) $16 trillion. Together, they have the power to drastically reduce the global TB burden.

At the Union World Conference on Lung Health in Paris, the Secretariat organized a Preparatory meeting on TB and HIV in support of The BRICS Health Ministers meeting in November 2013. The meeting focused on the challenges, experiences and opportunities in addressing the burden of TB and HIV in BRICS countries, leading to a draft communiqué which was put forward to BRICS Health Ministers. The outcomes of this meeting were presented and discussed by the BRICS Ministers of Health and an action plan was developed to translate these into practical developments.

In November 2013, Ministers of Health from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa issued a statement in Cape Town, South Africa, agreeing to collaborate on improving systems to find and treat patients with TB, improve the supply of TB drugs, and collaborate to develop new drugs and vaccines.

The Stop TB Partnership has continued to work closely with BRICS countries to drive action on tuberculosis, including a joint BRICS statement on World TB Day 2014.BRICS are:

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

The next BRICS Heads of State Summit will take place in Johannesburg South Africa from 25 to 27 July 2018. Find out more here.