Diagnostic Tools Initiative by IUATLD - TREAT TB

The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, under the USAID-supported TREAT TB Initiative, has organized a Diagnostic Tools Initiative to comprehensively identify potential tools and strategies (existing and new approaches), determine the sufficiency of evidence for their use and application, identify gaps in the evidence that could be addressed by research, commission research in priority areas, and partner with selected groups to test approaches to determine how to apply new knowledge to the challenges faced by NTPs.

As a part of this work, the Union undertook a broad environmental scan of the work being undertaken in the area of new diagnostic tools for TB, and have generated a search database to catalog this information searchable by diagnostic technology, country and research organization.

This tool can be found at the TREAT TB web portal: http://www.treattb.org/NewDXtools.aspx

The Union invites you to visit the site, examine the utility and content of this tool, and provide critical feedback to them which will help to refine the tool, its content and utility.