A Stop TB Partnership Partners Town Hall meeting was held on the 24th October 2016 at the Liverpool Town hall. The first part of the day was dedicated to a Town Hall meeting that brought together people from all over the globe whose lives have been affected by TB – working in hospitals, dispensaries, ministries, laboratories or people who care about people affected by TB. The 150 participants, shared their achievements and successes, frustrations and challenges, problems and solutions in a joint effort to fight TB. The evening was dedicated to the Stop TB Partnership’s Awards Ceremony and gala dinner. The awards consist of the prestigious Kochon Prize, as well as several other awards to recognize the work of our colleagues and partners. The Awards included: 

  • The ‘Imagine’ award was introduced with support from partners (Cepheid in this occasion) to recognize leadership of a country TB programme in pursuing the introduction and scale up of new tools-diagnostics/drugs/treatment regimens. The winners was chosen based on a set of criteria, and is the South Africa NTP.
  • The World TB Day award was given to Stop TB Pakistan for their dedicated advocacy efforts and events on and around World TB Day.
  • Five IPADs winners was a random selection of partners who took the Partners Satisfaction survey 2016.

Community Based TB Organization (CBTO)


Community Based Organization



Faith Based Organization



Patient Network

Jimma Zone Health Office


Government Health Centre

HOPE CARE Foundation


Developing Countries NGO

  • The 2016 Innovation Prize went to Asha Kalp, an Indian NGO working with tribal and indigenous people who often have poor access to TB care services. Asha Kalp employed community health workers to provide TB screenings and treatments in the communities. The Stop TB Partnership Pakistan was awarded the World TB Day 2016 Prize for their advocacy efforts and events on and around World TB Day. Finally, a Partners Engagement Prize was given to five members of the Stop TB Partnership selected by random draw, for participating in the yearly partners’ survey.