The Stop TB Partnership is dedicated to enhancing tuberculosis (TB) prevention and care at the country level through collaboration with National Tuberculosis Control Programmes (NTP) and aligning with the Global Plan to End TB. Their country-level partnership platforms have made significant progress in advocating for ending TB by 2030 through coordination and collaborative initiatives. Here are some updates that highlight the high-level advocacy that Stop TB National Partnership showed.
Stop TB Partnership Kazakhstan
In Kazakhstan, the first Round Table discussion on the development of the National Stop TB Partnership was hosted by TB NGOs and the Kazakhstan Association of Phthisiopulmonology. Representatives from various organizations and government officials gathered to make decisions on allocating state resources and demonstrate their commitment to ending TB.
From Kazakhstan, we now shift our focus to Tajikistan, where Stop TB Partnership´s advocacy efforts are making a significant impact
Stop TB Partnership Tajikistan
Stop TB Tajikistan, in collaboration with the House of Representatives of the Supreme Assembly and Ministry of Health, organized a round table discussion on TB and HIV in the Parliament.
The focus was on reviewing the government´s support for TB activities at the country level, highlighting the partnership´s advocacy efforts.
The Embassy of India in Tajikistan hosted an exciting cultural event under the theme "Yes! We can End TB," attended by nearly 1000 people. TB ambassadors, singers, and celebrities performed and delivered TB messages to dispel the stigma and myths surrounding TB. The sue of portable X-ray devices with AI added a technological touch to the event, allowing interested individuals to be screened for TB.
Shifting focus to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where Stop TB Partnership continues to advocate for high-level commitment towards ending TB.
Stop TB Partnership Democratic Republic of the Congo
Stop TB DRC organized a consultation with civil society organizations working in the fight against TB to discuss the upcoming UN High-Level Meeting on TB 2023 (UNHLM on TB 2023). The meeting aimed to asses progress made since the 2018 UN meeting on TB and advocate for the inclusion of the President in the 2023 United Nations Meeting on TB
Let´s now turn our attention to Pakistan, where Stop TB Partnership´s High-level advocacy efforts are making a difference
Stop TB Partnership Pakistan
Stop TB Partnership Pakistan, in collaboration with the End TB Parliamentary Caucus and the Ministry of Health, recetnly conducted a High-level Consultation Meeting. The meeting aimed to build momentum towards the UNHLM on TB 2023 and was attended by dignitaries, including the State Minister of Health and various parliamentarians. This meeting showcased the partnership´s dedication to advocating for stronger commitment and action against TB.
Moving from Pakistan to Cambodia, Stop TB Partnership continues to foster collaboration and advocate for TB elimination at the highest levels.
Stop TB Partnership Cambodia
Stop TB Partnership Cambodia, in collaboration with the National Center for Disease Control and Control of the National Partnership, hosted a consultation meeting in preparation for the UNHLM on TB 2023. The meeting involved participation from government representatives, aid organizations, development partners, and various other stakeholders. The objective was to review progress made since the previous UNHLM in 2018 and explore ways to contribute to the upcoming meeting.
From Cambodia, we now shift our attention to Zimbabwe, where Stop TB Partnership´s High-level advocacy efforts continue to make a significant impact.
Stop TB Partnership Zimbabwe
Stop TB Zimbabwe engaged the Vice President of Zimbabwe and the Minister of Health to commission eight X-ray mobile trucks and launch the national Public Private Partnership (PPM) framework. This initiative aimed to ensure that every person affected by TB could access quality