WHA approves Post-2015 Global Strategy and Targets For Tuberculosis Prevention, Care and Control

19 May 2014 - Geneva, Switzerland - The World Health Assembly (WHA), the WHO’s highest decision-making authority, today approved the "Post-2015 Global Strategy and Targets For Tuberculosis Prevention, Care and Control". This means the world has now agreed on a strategy to end TB as a global pandemic (an average less than 10 tuberculosis cases per 100 000 population) and to cut the number of deaths from TB by 95% by 2035.

With the new strategy in place, we can get to work. The challenge is huge: to increase the reduction in new cases from 2% per year today to more than 10% per year during the coming two decades. But with this strategy, the world’s nations have agreed to ambitious targets, and the strategy sets up new and innovative ways to fight the disease. The upcoming five-year Plan to Stop TB (2016-2020), which the Stop TB Partnership is preparing, will set the direction to achieve this strategy.

The strategy is built on the three pillars of integrated, patient-centred care and prevention; bold policies and supportive systems; and intensified research and innovation.

The WHO will continue to develop, update global normative and policy guidance in tuberculosis prevention, care and control, in the light of new evidence and innovations. Member States will get support to develop nationally-appropriate indicators, milestones and targets to contribute to local and global achievement of the 2035 target.

To achieve the goals of the strategy, the WHO will promote research and development for new or improved diagnostics, treatment and preventive tools, in particular efficient vaccines, and the stimulation of the uptake of resulting innovations.

The WHO will work the Stop TB Partnership to provide active support for the development of the global investment plan, and, where appropriate, seek out new partners who can leverage effective commitment and innovation within and beyond the health sector in order to implement the strategy effectively.

Member States expressed concerns about the challenges of drug resistance and TB-HIV co-infection among others. Countries emphasised early diagnosis of the disease and on sustaining efforts for research and development for drugs.