What kind of technical assistance can be provided by the Country and Community Support for Impact (CCS4i) team?

  1. Capacity building of community and civil society partners, and provide funding opportunities through the Challenge Facility for Civil Society, to promote and protect human rights and gender equality, to work with National TB Programs and engage key stakeholders, prioritize strong and active community and civil society actors in the TB response, conduct advocacy and to create demand for new and innovative services
  2. Support countries in conducting assessments of human rights and gender barriers as part of program reviews using quantitative, qualitative and participatory techniques and to find solutions to address the legal, social, economic and gender related barriers to accessing TB services and reduce stigma
  3. Provide support in developing community-based monitoring (of the TB response) interventions to improve the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of TB care and support services, and to hold different TB care and support service providers to account 
  4. Guide countries to develop effective community engagement and human rights action plans to ensure implementation of the recommendations emanating from CRG assessments to increase efficiency and accountability within the TB response
  5. Support country level Stop TB Partnership platforms to strengthen their governance, organizational capacity and convening power to engage key stakeholders (including celebrities and media), advocate for UNHLM targets and mobilize resources across different state and non-state actors
  6. Support CRG activity integration into National TB Strategic Plans and TGF financed programs

Who can get technical assistance?

Stop TB Partnership can provide support to any country

How to request technical assistance?

Requests can be made through ta@stoptb.org