TB/HIV Core Group and Working Group Meetings


19th Core Group Meeting of the Global TB/HIV Working Group

11-12 February 2014 | Washington DC, USA

The World Health Organization convened the 19th Core Group meeting of the Global TB/HIV Working Group from 11th - 12th February 2014 in Washington DC. The meeting was co-chaired by Diane Havlir, the outgoing Chair of the Global TB/HIV Working Group and Ambassador Eric Goosby the new incoming Chair. Meeting participants critically reviewed the past ten years of global progress in implementation and science in preventing, diagnosing and treating HIV-associated TB. They also identified essential next steps including enablers for advancing the TB/HIV response particularly at country level to eliminate TB deaths among people living with HIV. Innovative ideas to address unmet research needs in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of TB among people living with HIV were also shared for shaping the global research agenda. The detailed agenda and presentations can be found at the links below and a more detailed report will be posted up in due course.

Core Group Agenda | Meeting Report and Presentations

Regional TB/HIV Implementation Workshop and 18th Core Group Meeting of the Global TB/HIV Working Group

10-12 April 2013 | Maputo, Mozambique

The World Health Organization, supported by the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), convened a regional TB/HIV Implementation Workshop followed by the 18th Core Group meeting of the TB/HIV Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership from 10th – 12th April 2013 in Maputo, Mozambique. The event brought together more than 120 participants, comprising key international partners as well as regional and national HIV and TB stakeholders including community and civil society representatives from 14 countries in the African region. Countries represented included Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The aim of the workshop was to review progress in implementation and promote strategies to increase access to early ART for people living with HIV and active TB and to accelerate the scale-up of the Three Is for HIV/TB in the African Region. Participants also shared best practices and identified priority actions for scaling up, and monitoring and evaluating the implementation of collaborative TB/HIV activities.

The aim of the 18th Core Group Meeting, which was also attended by participants of the regional meeting and members of the Core Group was to assess the latest evidence, identify challenges and opportunities to eliminate TB deaths among people living with HIV. The meeting also discussed strategies to define the direction of the TB/HIV Working Group over the coming years. For more details please visit the links below. Reports of both meetings will be posted below in due course.

Core Group agenda | Core Group Meeting report | Presentations | Workshop agenda | Workshop report

17th Core Group Meeting of the TB/HIV Working Group

9-11 November 2011 | Beijing, People’s Republic of China

As part of a focus on the Western Pacific region and the People’s Republic of China for 2011, the Core Group of the TB/HIV Working Group held its annual meeting in Beijing from 9-11 November. The meeting was organized by the Secretariat, based at WHO Geneva, in collaboration with the WHO office in the People’s Republic of China and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the People's Republic of China. Co-hosted by the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China, the meeting was attended by some 90 participants, comprising Core Group members and representatives from National TB and HIV programmes in Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, the People's Republic of China and Viet Nam and from six high burden provinces in the People's Republic of China. In addition, representatives from key international technical and funding agencies in the region also attended. Meeting participants reviewed progress and shared experience in regional implementation and scale-up of collaborative TB/HIV activities, and learnt about the latest tools to support scale-up as well as breaking research developments.

Agenda EnglishChinese | List of Participants | Report EnglishChinese, | Presentations EnglishChinese

16th TB/HIV Core Group

26-28 May 2010 | Almaty, Kazakhstan

The 16th meeting of the Core Group of the TB/HIV Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan from 26 - 28 May 2010, and hosted by the KNCV Kazakhstan. The meeting reviewed global and regional progress made on the implementation of collaborative TB/HIV activities, progress on implementation of infection control measures, the inter-linkage of drug resistant TB and HIV, prisons and drug use with an emphasis on the Central Asian context. The meeting, which was held in Russian and English, with simultaneous translation, was attended by TB and HIV programme managers or their representatives from four countries of the region (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), as well as senior national representatives of intergovernmental agencies, communities living with the joint epidemics and major funding organisations.

Agenda | List of participants | Final Report (English and Russian) | Presentations | Progress on recommendations

15th TB/HIV Core Group

3-4 November, 2009 | Geneva, Switzerland

Agenda | List of participants | Final report | Presentations | Progress on recommendations

14th TB/HIV Core Group

11-12 November 2008 | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
List of participants | Final Report | Presentations | Progress on recommendations

13th TB/HIV Core Group

17-18 April 2008 | New York, USA
Final report | Presentations | Progress on recommendations

12th TB/HIV Core Group

25-26 October 2007 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Final report | Progress on recommendations

11th TB/HIV Core Group

30 October 2006 | Paris, France
Final report

10th TB/HIV Core Group

30 March 2006 | London, UK
Final report

9th TB/HIV Core Group

18 October 2005 | Paris, France
Final report

8th TB/HIV Core Group

16-17 February 2005 | WHO, Geneva
Final report

7th TB/HIV Core Group

22 September, 2004, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Meeting report

Previous TB/HIV Core Group and Working Group Meetings