Regional TB/HIV Implementation Workshop and 18th Core Group Meeting of the Global TB/HIV Working Group
10-12 April 2013 | Maputo, Mozambique
The World Health Organization, supported by the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), convened a regional TB/HIV Implementation Workshop followed by the 18th Core Group meeting of the TB/HIV Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership from 10th – 12th April 2013 in Maputo, Mozambique. The event brought together more than 120 participants, comprising key international partners as well as regional and national HIV and TB stakeholders including community and civil society representatives from 14 countries in the African region. Countries represented included Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The aim of the workshop was to review progress in implementation and promote strategies to increase access to early ART for people living with HIV and active TB and to accelerate the scale-up of the Three Is for HIV/TB in the African Region. Participants also shared best practices and identified priority actions for scaling up, and monitoring and evaluating the implementation of collaborative TB/HIV activities.
The aim of the 18th Core Group Meeting, which was also attended by participants of the regional meeting and members of the Core Group was to assess the latest evidence, identify challenges and opportunities to eliminate TB deaths among people living with HIV. The meeting also discussed strategies to define the direction of the TB/HIV Working Group over the coming years. For more details please visit the links below. Reports of both meetings will be posted below in due course.
Core Group agenda | Core Group Meeting report | Presentations | Workshop agenda | Workshop report
Programme Managers Skills Building Workshop at AIDS 2012, XIX International AIDS Conference
24 July 2012 | Washington DC, USA,
As part of the AIDS 2012 conference WHO organised and facilitated the skills building workshop for National TB and HIV programme managers "TB/HIV Collaborative Activities - Implement, Integrate and Scale up to Prevent TB Deaths in People living with HIV!" on 24th July 2012. The workshop was attended some 200 participants and aimed to accelerate the global scale-up of collaborative TB/HIV activities through a regional cross fertilization of experience and best practice. HIV and NTP Programme Managers from Cambodia, Guyana, India, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, the People’s Republic of China and Ukraine presented on key challenges, bottle-necks and progress in implementation as well as enablers and measures needed to scale up TB/HIV collaborative activities and concluded with a civil society verbal commentary. For presentations and the meeting agenda please visit the links below.
- 01_Getahun_TB-HIV_Policy_&_overview_of_global__progress [.pdf]
- 02_Gasana_TB-HIV_Rwanda [.pdf]
- 03 Mametja TB-HIV South Africa [.pdf]
- 04_Rewari_TB-HIV_India [.pdf]
- 05_Gang_TB-HIV-China [.pdf]
- 06_Zelenska_TB-HIV_Ukraine [.pdf]
- 07 Mohanlall TB-HIV Guyana [.pdf]
- 08 Sitienei TB-HIV Kenya [.pdf]
Workshop to accelerate the implementation of revised guidelines on IMCI/IMAI/IMPAC and the Three I’s for HIV/TB
25-27 January 2012 | Lome, Togo
WHO in collaboration with the TB/HIV Working Group and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a three-day workshop in Lome, Togo to accelerate the implementation of the revised guidelines on IMCI/IMAI/IMPAC and the Three I’s for HIV/TB from 25-27 January 2012. This was the third implementation workshop in the African Region dedicated to such issues, the first being held for Southern African countries in South Africa in March 2011 and the second for East African countries in Uganda in July 2011. The workshop was attended by 66 participants, comprising representatives from National HIV and TB programmes, monitoring and evaluation focal points and civil society from Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Senegal, Rwanda, Guinea and Togo. The workshop objectives were to present the updated IMAI/IMCI/IMPAC tools, the updated 3 interlinked patient monitoring system and the 2011 guidelines on Intensive TB case-finding and isoniazid preventive therapy; to identify priority actions to improve recording and reporting formats and strengthen monitoring and evaluation and to discuss the role of civil society. The workshop concluded with countries updating their current TB/HIV plans in accordance with the latest WHO recommendations and tools, defining actions that need to be strengthened or scaled up. All countries highlighted the need to strengthen collaboration with mother and child health programmes and the need to introduce TB screening among pregnant women. For more details on the workshop, including agenda and presentations please visit the links below.
Agenda | Report | List of participants
Day 1
- Integration_TB-VIH_Mali_AS [.pdf]
- Introduction_au_cours_international_TB-VIH_MDRTB_AN [.pdf]
- Introduction_Xpert_MTB_RIF_Guinee_AMB [.pdf]
- Lutte_contre_la_transmission_TB_Rwanda_GM [.pdf]
- Objectifs_atelier_HW [.pdf]
- Revision_PCIMAA_PCIGA_et_TAR_YK [.pdf]
- Situation_TBVIH_global_&_AFRO_HW [.pdf]
- Xpert_MTBRIF_DS [.pdf]
Day 2
- Association_espoir_de_vie_Togo_CS [.pdf]
- Introduction_travail_de_groupe_M&E [.pdf]
- Patients_experts_Burkina_Faso_HZA_ZZ [.pdf]
- Presentation_travail_de_groupe_M&E_RDC [.pdf]
- Societe_civile_Guinee_AS [.pdf]
- Systeme_suivi_et_evaluatio_Benin_GG [.pdf]
17th Core Group Meeting of the TB/HIV Working Group
9-11 November 2011 | Beijing, People’s Republic of China
As part of a focus on the Western Pacific region and the People’s Republic of China for 2011, the Core Group of the TB/HIV Working Group held its annual meeting in Beijing from 9-11 November. The meeting was organized by the Secretariat, based at WHO Geneva, in collaboration with the WHO office in the People’s Republic of China and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the People's Republic of China. Co-hosted by the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China, the meeting was attended by some 90 participants, comprising Core Group members and representatives from National TB and HIV programmes in Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, the People's Republic of China and Viet Nam and from six high burden provinces in the People's Republic of China. In addition, representatives from key international technical and funding agencies in the region also attended. Meeting participants reviewed progress and shared experience in regional implementation and scale-up of collaborative TB/HIV activities, and learnt about the latest tools to support scale-up as well as breaking research developments.
Agenda English, Chinese | List of Participants | Report English, Chinese, |
1. The Scale-up of TBHIV Collaborative Activities in Asia Pacific, 9th - 10th November
- 01_Havlir_Global_Progress_TB-HIV [.pdf]
- 02_Osuga_TB-HIV_Regional_Overview [.pdf]
- 03_Chaisson_Role_of_ART_&_IPT_for_TB_Prevention [.pdf]
- 04_Mean_Chhi_Vun_IPT_&_ART_Cambodia [.pdf]
- 05_Melaku_TB_Screening_&_IPT_Ethiopia [.pdf]
- 06_Rewari_ICF_&_IPT_India [.pdf]
- 07_Hafner TB-HIV Research Priorities [.pdf]
- 08_Ross_Quiroga_&_Apina_Community_Response_for_TB,_TB-HIV [.pdf]
- 09_Verbruggen_UNAIDS [.pdf]
- 10_Duong _TB-HIV_&_Global_Fund_Vietnam [.pdf]
- 11_Aia_Global_Fund_&_HIV-TB_Papua_New_Guinea [.pdf]
2. Closed Core Group meeting, 11th November
- 01 Getahun WG Progress & TOR [.pdf]
- 02 Havlir New TB-HIV Data [.pdf]
- 03 Getahun Community Engagement [.pdf]
- 04 Havlir AIDS 2012 [.pdf]
- 01. Havlir_Chinese [.pdf]
- 02. Osuga_Chinese [.pdf]
- 03_Chaisson_Role_of_ART_&_IPT_for_TB_Prevention_Chinese [.pdf]
- 04. Chhi Vun_Chinese [.pdf]
Scaling-up the implementation of collaborative TB/HIV activities in the Region of the Americas
7-8 July, 2011 | Panama City, Panama
WHO, in collaboration with the Global TB/HIV Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership, CDC, USAID, UNAIDS and regional civil society representatives convened a two day regional meeting in Panama City between 7-8th July 2011 entitled "Scaling-up the implementation of collaborative TB/HIV activities in the Region of the Americas". Participants from 18 Latin American and Caribbean countries attended, comprising representatives from National Tuberculosis and AIDS Programmes and members of civil society.
The objective of the meeting was to share regional and global experiences and best practices for greater political advocacy, resource mobilization and scale-up in the implementation of collaborative TB/HIV activities and integration of TB and HIV services in the Region of the Americas. Topics discussed include HIV testing among TB patients, the Three I’s for HIV/TB and initiation of ART to reduce the burden of TB among people living with HIV, HIV-associated TB in children and vulnerable populations such as prisoners and drug users, management of MDR-TB in people living with HIV, and community involvement. For more details, please click on the links below:
Agenda English, Spanish | Call for Action English, Spanish
- 01_Objectives-of-Meeting_PAN_R_Lopez [.pdf]
- 02_Global_TBHIV_H_Getahun [.pdf]
- 03_TBHIV_in_the_Americas_M_Del_Granado [.pdf]
- 04_Briefing_of_VII_TBHIV_Regional_Meeting_O_Sued [.pdf]
- 05_HIV_Testing_Latin_America_&_Caribbean_R_Cedillos [.pdf]
- 06_ART_in_TB_patients_N_Sosa [.pdf]
- 07_Xpert_implementation_experience_P_Nabeta [.pdf]
- 08_MDR_in_PLHIV_D_Palmero [.pdf]
- 09_Panama_IPT_ICF_policy_H_Getahun [.pdf]
- 10_Scale-up_of_IPT_Cambodia_M_C_Vun [.pdf]
- 11_Scale-up_of_IPT_Brazil_E_Vale_&_D_Arakaki [.pdf]
- 12_Infection_Control_Policy_R_Lopez [.pdf]
- 13_Implementing_effective_infection_control_healthcare-facilities_&_prisons_M_Yagui [.pdf]
- 14_WHO_ILO_UNAIDS_Guidelines_TB-HIV_&_healthworkers_A_C_Ramirez [.pdf]
- 15_TB_HIV_in_Children_C_Christie-Samuels [.pdf]
- 16_TBHIV_in_prisons_&_for_drug-users_J_Villa_del_Castillo [.pdf]
- 17_TBHIV_in_prisons_honduras_L_Avila [.pdf]
- 18_TB-HIV_in_prisons_Peru_J_Best [.pdf]
- 19_TB-HIV-drug_use_vancouver_R_Barios [.pdf]
- 20_civil_society_presentation_brazil_E_Tavora [.pdf]
- 21_Breaking_the_silence_around_TBHIV_in_the_Americas [.pdf]
Workshop to accelerate the implementation of the Three I's for HIV/TB and earlier initiation of ART in Southern Africa
14-18 March, 2011 | Johannesburg, South Africa
WHO, in collaboration with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Office of the US global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC), conducted a five-day workshop in Johannesburg, South Africa, 14-18 March 2011, to accelerate the implementation of the Three I's for HIV/TB and earlier initiation of ART in Southern Africa. Participating countries were: Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The objectives of the meeting were to review the status of implementation of the Three I's for HIV/TB and earlier initiation of ART in the Region; share best practices and discuss enablers and challenges for nationwide scale-up; identify priority actions to improve recording and reporting formats and strengthen monitoring and evaluation; discuss the role of civil society; draft country specific action plans including priority actions to scale-up the Three I's for HIV/TB and earlier initiation of ART, and identify follow-up mechanisms. For further details, please click on the links below:
Agenda | List of Participants | Workshop Report
Country national action plans to scale-up the Three I's for HIV/TB and earlier initiation of ART
- Botswana_draft_national_action_plan [.pdf]
- Lesotho_draft_national_action_plan [.pdf]
- Mozambique_draft_national_action_plan [.pdf]
- Namibia_draft_national_action_plan [.pdf]
- South_Africa_draft_national_action_plan [.pdf]
- Swaziland_national_action_plan_-_finalised [.pdf]
- Zambia_draft_national_action_plan [.pdf]
- Zimbabwe_draft_national_action_plan [.pdf]
- A_Badi_Electronic_R&R_systems_Lesotho [.pdf]
- A_Peters_Implementing_IC_in_South_Africa [.pdf]
- A_Salomao_WHO_guidelines_IC [.pdf]
- D_Sculier_reporting_and_monitoring_ART [.pdf]
- E_Negussie_TBHIV_indicators_&_3ILPMS [.pdf]
- F_Lule_global_&_regional_implementation_of_the_3Is [.pdf]
- H_Getahun_WHO_guidelines_ICF_IPT [.pdf]
- H_Getahun_Xpert_MTB_RIF [.pdf]
- H_Mabuza_Integration_of_TB_&_HIV_services_Swaziland [.pdf]
- L_Mabote_ ARASA_3Is_advocacy_toolkit [.pdf]
- R_Ncube_Implementing_IC_in_Botswana [.pdf]
- S_Marealle_Integrated_lab_network_Lesotho [.pdf]
- Y_Pillay_3Is_for_HIVTB_South_Africa [.pdf]
- Zambia_Bottlenecks_in_scaling-up_ICF_IPT [.pdf]
Accelerating the implementation of collaborative TB/HIV activities in the WHO European Region
16-17 July 2010 | Vienna, Austria
The first European TB/HIV regional meeting was held in Vienna, Austria from 16-17 July prior to the XVIII International AIDS conference. The meeting was organized by the World Health Organization in collaboration with the TB/HIV Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership. A total of 186 people from 37 countries participated to the meeting with representation from all of the 18 high TB burden countries from the Region. Participants discussed how to strengthen collaboration and coordination between programmes, how to address drug-resistant TB, and how to provide integrated and holistic care to most at risk populations such as drug users and prisoners. Participants also shared experiences and best practices to inform recommendations to accelerate the implementation of nationwide scale-up of collaborative activities. The meeting, which was held in Russian and English, with simultaneous translation, was attended by national TB, HIV and harm reduction programme managers as well as officials from the penitentiary system, joined by a broad range of TB and HIV/AIDS stakeholders active in the WHO European Region, members of the TB/HIV Working Group, and representatives of non-governmental and civil society organizations.
Agenda | List of Participants | Meeting Report English, Russian
- 01 R. Zaleskis Regional Overview and responses on TBHIV [.pdf]
- 02 M. Lansang Funding TBHIV Collaborative Activities in the European Union [.pdf]
- 03 S. Pak HIV Testing for TB patients and suspects - the gateway for HIV treatment and care [.pdf]
- 04 O. Frolova Why is there not enough coordination and collaboration between programmes to implement collaboration TBHIV activities [.pdf]
- 05 K. Lezhentsev Organizing access to care and treatment for marginalized groups in Ukraine [.pdf]
- 06 L. Severin Implementing TBHIV collaborative activities in prison settings where are we [.pdf]
- 07 L. Viksna Addressing Drug-Resistant TB in People Living with HIV where are we [.pdf]
- 08 L. Blanc Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis and Green Light Committee reform [.pdf]
- 09 R.O'Brien Laboratory Techniques for Rapid Diagnosis of Drug Susceptible and Drug-Resistant TB - Implementation Results in the Region [.pdf]
- 10 O. Kheylo Infection Control in Ukraine - country experience with implementation [.pdf]
- 11 A. Grant Isoniazid preventive therapy in the context of drug resistance - challenges and solutions [.pdf]
- 12 O. Kulchenko DOT and Harm reduction - challenges and opportunities The Ukraine exprerience [.pdf]
- 13 T. Tsertsvadze Viral hepatitis HIV and TB in injecting drug users - how to manage co-infections [.pdf]
- 14 E. Argymbayev Integrated TBHIV project for drug users in Kazakhstan [.pdf]
- Group 1 - Scale-up HIV testing for TB suspects and patients provision of ART and TB Intensified Case Finding3 [.pdf]
- Group 2 - Coordination and collaboration between programs [.pdf]
- Group 3 - Services for drug users TBHIV Scale-up [.pdf]
- Group 4 - HIVTB and Infection Control in Prisons [.pdf]
From Mekong to Bali: the scale up of collaborative TB/HIV activities in Asia Pacific Region
8-9 August, 2009 | Bali, Indonesia
Catalyzing the implementation of collaborative HIV/TB activities in the Asia and Pacific regions is a key priority. This region has more than half of the global burden of TB and 12% of the global burden of HIV. To this end the meeting "From Mekong to Bali: scale up of HIV/TB collaborative activities in Asia Pacific" was organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with the HIV/TB Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership. 127 people from 18 countries participated in the meeting with representation from all high TB and HIV burden countries. Participants shared experiences and best practices to inform plans to accelerate the implementation of nation-wide scale up of collaborative HIV/TB activities. The meeting followed on from the first regional HIV/TB meeting held in the Mekong sub region in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in October 2004. National TB and HIV program managers were joined by a broad range of AIDS and TB stakeholders active in the Asia and Pacific regions, members of the HIV/TB Working Group and representatives of bilateral and multilateral organizations, NGOS, and faith based organizations. The presentations and posters from the meeting are available below.
Agenda | List of participants | Report
- 01_ICAAP_plenary_TBHIV_no_children_photos [.pdf]
- 02_Dr_Cheng_Shiming_China_presentation [.pdf]
- 03_Dr_Massimo_TB_HIV_ICAAP_MNG [.pdf]
- 04_Dr_Nani_Nair_SEA_Regional_overview_and_response_to_TB-HIV BaliF [.pdf]
- 05_Dr_Sriprapa_Nateniyom_TBHIV_Thailand [.pdf]
- 06_Dr_Anjana_Das_Bali_TB_HIV_meeting_presentation [.pdf]
- 07_Dr_Anthony_Bali_TB_Project_Presentation_(25_June_07_English) [.pdf]
- 08_Dr_Fabio_Mesquita_Bali_TB_HIV_PWID [.pdf]
- 09_Dr_Christian_Gunneberg [.pdf]
- 10_Dr_Khun_Kim_Eam [.pdf]
- 11_Dr_Marco_Vitoria_Management_of_TB-HIV [.pdf]
- 12_Dr_Sri_Chandra_TB-HIV_Program_Experience_-_World_Vision_Thailand_Final [.pdf]
- 13_Group_1_Testing_TB_patients_and_ART_provision-1 [.pdf]
- 14_Group_2_Intensified_TB_case_finding_&_isonniazid_prophylaxis [.pdf]
- 15_Group_3_Partnership_contribution_to_TBHIV_scaleup [.pdf]
- 16_Group_4_Services_for_drug_users_TBHIV_scale_up [.pdf]
- 17_Group_5_Community_involvement_TBHIV_Scaleup [.pdf]
- 18_Group_6_Infection_control_TBHIV_scale_up [.pdf]
- 19_Remarks_by_Nafis_Sadik_UN_Special_Envoy_for_HIVAIDS_in_Asia [.pdf]
- 20_Struminger_PEPFAR_TB_Bali_09aug09_final [.pdf]
- 21_Swarup_Sakar [.pdf]
- 22_Massimo_Ghidinelli_NS [.pdf]
- 23_Puneet_Deevan_NS [.pdf]
Dakar workshop to accelerate TB/HIV collaborative activities in French-speaking African countries
1-3 July 2009 | Dakar, Senegal
UNAIDS, WHO-AFRO and WHO Stop TB department with partners organized a meeting for 17 French-speaking African countries on 1-3 July 2009 in Dakar for national TB programme managers, national AIDS programme managers and National AIDS Council (NAC) directors. The workshop contributed to enhance the engagement of HIV and TB service providers for the implementation of TB/HIV collaborative activities and strengthen collaboration between TB Managers, HIV managers and NAC directors.
- 01_M_Grunitzky_Bekele [.pdf]
- 02_B Keita [.pdf]
- 03_H_Wembanyama [.pdf]
- 04_ J_Mugabekasi [.pdf]
- 05_ D_Sculier [.pdf]
- 06_G_Dion [.pdf]
- 07_ M_Yeboue [.pdf]
- 08_ J_Kouakou [.pdf]
- 09_N_Diakhate [.pdf]
- 10_C_Siboko [.pdf]
- 11_J_Conombo_Diabate [.pdf]
- 12_K_Sidibe [.pdf]
- 13_ M_Dembele [.pdf]
- 14_ PY_Norval [.pdf]
- 15_ M_Gasana [.pdf]
- 16_ B_Keita [.pdf]
- Rapport_Atelier_de_planification_sur_le_passage_TBVIH_final [.pdf]
Workshop to Accelerate the Implementation of TB/HIV Collaborative Activities
13-14 November 2008 | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The World Health Organization, in collaboration with partner organizations, conducted a two day planning workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 13-14 November 2008, to accelerate nationwide scale-up of collaborative HIV/TB activities with special emphasis on the Three Is for HIV/TB. The objectives of the workshop were to share experiences of countries in the implementation of HIV/TB collaborative activities, draft country specific road maps for critical actions needed for nationwide scale-up of collaborative HIV/TB activities and to agree upon a mechanism of monitoring and evaluation of the nationwide scale-up of HIV/TB collaborative activities at country level. The participants of the workshop included national HIV and TB programme managers or their representatives from the following 14 sub-Saharan African countries.
- 01_HIVTB_Epidemiology_&_Progress_in_implementation_H_Wembanyama_&_Getahun [.pdf]
- 02_Screening_&_diagnosing_TB_in_PLHIV_Getahun [.pdf]
- 03_TB_screening_for_PLHA_Fred_Lwilla [.pdf]
- 04_Evidence_that_isoniazid_reduces_active_TB_ Granich [.pdf]
- 05_TB_Infection_Control_Angelica_Salamao [.pdf]
- 06_Improving_Tuberculosis_Infection_Control_Nthabiseng_Ntlama [.pdf]
- 07_Revised_TB-HIV_indicators_&_harmonization_Gunneberg [.pdf]
- 08_Implementing_TBHIV_reporting_tools_Nathan_Kapata [.pdf]
- 09_TB-HIV_integration_Frank_Lule [.pdf]
- 10_Experiences_in_integrating_TB_&_HIV_care_services_Malawi [.pdf]
- TB_infection_control_actions_needed_A_Salomao [.ppt]
Accelerating the implementation of collaborative HIV/TB activities in selected sub-Saharan African countries
March 6-7, 2007 | Washington DC
The Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation organized a planning meeting to accelerate the implementation of collaborative HIV/TB in selected sub-Saharan African countries, which carries the brunt of the burden of the TB and HIV dual epidemic. The meeting was held on March 6-7, 2007 in Washington DC, USA. The countries included were Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, Rwanda and Zambia. Participants at the meeting included National TB and HIV/AIDS Control Programme managers, heads of national TB and HIV laboratories, HIV/TB focal points from country PEPFAR teams and representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Global Fund against AIDS, TB and Malaria, OGAC, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), WHO and selected members of the Core Group of the TB/HIV Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership. The meeting was open by Ambassador Mark Dybul who reiterated the importance of collaborative TB/HIV activities and announced the availability of an additional $50 million supplemental funding for all PEPFAR focus countries for HIV/TB in 2007.