TB/HIV Research Priorities

Research priorities

TB/HIV research aims to better understanding the magnitude and burden of TB in HIV prevalent settings, to accelerating universal and effective implementation of collaborative TB/HIV activities, and to preventing unnecessary morbidity and mortality due to TB among people living with HIV. It embraces many aspects of research, from clinical to operational research and development of new technologies.

TB/HIV research should be made a priority by both HIV and TB research establishments and their funding agencies. Knowledge gaps in preventing, diagnosing and treating childhood TB/HIV co-infection or drug-resistant TB among people living with HIV are just some examples of the unmet research needs. Researchers, funding bodies and national governments should commit without any further delay to address gaps and priorities in TB/HIV research.

The Secretariat in collaboration with other partners organizes meetings with HIV and TB researchers to raise the profile of HIV/TB research. It has also initiated the process to define and revise the priorities for HIV/TB research and in 2010 a new guidance was published on priority research questions for TB/HIV in HIV-prevalent and resource-limited settings, available here

For meetings related to research priorities please click here.

Resource for TB research and product development issues

The Global Tuberculosis Community Advisory Board (TB CAB) is dedicated to increasing community involvement in TB research and to mobilizing political will regarding key TB product development issues. The TB CAB is comprised of research activists from all over the world, who are extensively involved in HIV and TB research networks. Read more about the TB CAB on their new website TB Online http://www.tbonline.info/ This website provides information for activists, patients health workers and researchers working to end tuberculosis.