Terms of reference for the GDI include:

  • Support the dissemination of guidelines and evidence-based policies, norms and standards;
  • Facilitate coordination of partner support for PMDT expansion through existing mechanisms;
  • Promote communication and coordination among Stop TB Partnership Working Groups and members, and across WHO Departments, on drug-resistant TB related issues;
  • Support PMDT expansion through the regional frameworks and recommend strategies based on global and regional analysis on progress in DR-TB scale-up;
  • Guide ad-hoc, need-derived task groups for knowledge sharing, research, advocacy and other priority areas constituted with different partners as leads for priority thematic areas of work;
  • Promote DR-TB related TB advocacy activities, resource mapping and coordinated resource mobilization; and
  • Identify and prioritise the research agenda including operational research for introduction and roll-out of new policies, new tools and recently approved drugs for management of DR TB cases