Screening and Triage for TB using Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) Technology and Ultra-Portable X-Ray Systems: A Practical Guide 

With support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Global Affairs Canada, a practical guide on the implementation of CAD technology and ultra-portable X-ray systems was developed to provide advice on how to convert WHO policy guidance into a practical implementation plan, building on initial field experience gained by early implementers that could be more widely adopted.

Practical Guide Translated Versions

Screening and Triage for TB using Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) Technology and Ultra-portable X-Ray Systems: A Practical Guide
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Dépistage et triage de la tuberculose à l'aide de la technologie de détection assistée par ordinateur (DAO) et des systèmes de radiographie ultra-portables : Guide pratique
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Скрининг и триаж на туберкулез с использованием технологии компьютеризированного обнаружения (CAD) и ультрапортативных рентгеновских систем Практическое руководство
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Detección y triaje de la tuberculosis utilizando tecnología de detección asistida por computadora (CAD) y sistemas de rayos X ultraportátiles: una guía práctica
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