Members of the Key and Vulnerable Populations Constituency Delegation 


Organization: Southern African Miners Association (SAMA) 

Country of work: South Africa

Role in the Delegation:  Board Member

Vama Jele is a Regional Coordinator of the Southern Africa Miners Association (SAMA). He joined the Stop TB Partnership Board in November 2023. He is a member of the Eswatini CCM and RCM Member - Regional TB in the Mining Sector. He is a former Mineworker and graduated in Human Resources Management. Vama is a Human Rights Defender and had advanced his advocacy work on legal reforms, policies on Mining and Health, Labour Migration and Social Protection.

Organization: TWEET Foundation

Country of work: India

Role in the Delegation:  Board Member

Aman Shukla is a Young People Advocate known for their work with LGBTQ+ organizations, networks across India and has health expertise in Key Populations; with experience in HIV prevention, care, support & treatment for key and vulnerable populations, health & human rights, research and advocacy.

They are known for their leadership skills and problem-solving mechanisms, which set them apart in the LGBTQ+ community. According to Aman, young people are not only 'change makers' but the 'change' the world wants to experience! Their vision is to create 'equity' towards young trans* and non-binary gender diverse people across the globe.

Organization: Zimbabwe National Network of PLHIV. (ZNNP+)

Country of work: Zimbabwe

Role in the Delegation: Alternate Board Member

Tariro Kutadza, a Zimbabwean HIV/TB advocate, represents those affected by HIV, TB, and COVID-19 in various health committees. Tariro has contributed to HIV/TB advocacy agendas at national, regional and global level. She has won awards for her advocacy efforts and has been instrumental in promoting access to prevention and treatment services for adolescents and women in rural Zimbabwe. Tariro has also vast experience in project planning, implementation monitoring and evaluation research in the Matrix of HIV and TB. She is an elected member of the Zimbabwe Country Coordinating Mechanism and Southern Africa Regional Coordinating Mechanism, representing TB-affected communities in the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria and on The Union Advisory Panel.