Community Rights and Gender Workshop held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

9-11 April, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Country teams from DRC, Indonesia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines and South Africa participated in a two-day workshop led by Stop TB Partnership on use and implementation of Community, Rights and Gender (CRG) tools designed to support countries in gaining a better understanding of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities affected by TB. The country teams, led by national civil society or affected community organization included experts in law, gender and data.

The Stop TB Partnership, along with World Health Organization (WHO), are partners to the Global Fund Strategic Initiative on Finding the Missing People Affected by TB. As part of this Initiative, Stop TB has developed three tools: Legal Environment Assessment, Gender Assessment, and TB Key Population Data for Action Framework to support countries in identifying and addressing barriers people face in accessing TB services.

The workshop participants were highly engaged and shared their experience, including personal stories with TB, and articulated how they planned to undertake the CRG tools implementation process effectively. Guided by expert facilitators, Stop TB Partnership and joined by representatives from the Global Fund, WHO, and USAID, the workshop concluded with all country teams geared up to implement the tools, advance CRG and strengthen national TB responses in their respective countries. The Stop TB Partnership will continue to provide support to the participants in order to ensure effective implementation.