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May ’18 - Roundtable Discussion: Barriers in Country Adoption and Access to New, Quality Assured TB and AMR Products and Technologies (by invitation only)

In the lead-up to the United Nations High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis ("UNHLM on TB"), which will take place on 26 September 2018, it will be critical to show that the TB community is able to unite to jointly develop sustainable solutions that will lead to the end of TB by 2030.

As such, the Stop TB Partnership and the World Economic Forum are organizing an event in May 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland in advance of the 71st World Health Assembly to discuss the key barriers to country adoption and access to new TB products and technologies in high burden countries (HBCs), and the role of multi-sectoral collaboration in bridging the gap.

The roundtable discussion will also bring together key decision-makers, partners, and stakeholders - such as Ministers of Health, civil society and communities, non-governmental organizations, private sector actors (both companies and service providers), donors, and private foundations - to better understand each other’s comparative advantages in facilitating country adoption, and collectively strategize on how the capabilities and expertise of the private sector can ensure that the people affected by TB and service providers have equitable and appropriate access to the TB products and technologies they need and want.