Calls for Expression of Interest: Key and Vulnerable Populations Constituency to the Stop TB Partnership Board

DEADLINE: 15 August 2023

Expression of Interest 

for constituency membership

Key and Vulnerable Populations Constituency to the Board of the Stop TB Partnership


DEADLINE: 15 August 2023

The Stop TB Partnership Board calls for expression of interest to join the newly formed constituency of TB Key and Vulnerable Populations.

It is foreseen that the new members will select their Board members and alternate Board members in Q3 2023.

I. The Board Consituency: TB Key and Vulnerable Populations

The Stop TB Partnership works towards a future in which all affected by TB have equitable access to quality services and support needed to preven, diagnose and treat, within an environment that respects human rights.

During its recent Board Strategy Review, the Stop TB Partnership Board has placed equitable partnership at the heart of its mandate by increasing the voice to affected communities and countries. Hence, a new constituency received two seat on the Board to represent the unique perspectives of TB Key and Vulnerable Populations. This makes the Stop TB Partnership's Board unique and one of the few boards that have a dedicated voting seat for Key and Vulnerable Populations to join the discussions on TB at the highest level.

The meaningful participatiof of Key and Vulnerable Populations is needed in all TB policy, program and governance discussions and decisions as it generates the knowledge about the needs of data gaps, the factors making populations vulnerable, the barriers to care, and how treatment outcomes vary.[1]

The purspose of this constituency is to bring representation of the unique perspectives of TB Key and Vulnerable Populations to the Stop TB Partnership Board. The Global Plan to End TB 2023-2030 defines TB Key and Vulnerable Populations as;

(i) people who have increased exposure to TB due to where they live or work,[2]

(ii) people who have limited access to quality TB services,[3]

(iii) people at increased risk of TB because of biological or behavioural factors that compromise immune functions.[4]


To this end, the TB Key and Vulnerable Populations constituency consists of formal or informal groups, organizations and networks, who are led by and represent TB Key and Vulnerable Populations, as well as individuals who belong to and actively advocate for TB Key and Vulnerable Populations.

The overall objectives of the constituency are to:

  • Ensure that the needs of Key and Vulnerable Populations are embedded in Board decisions.
  • Contribute significantly to Board discussions on important issues for the constituency
  • Encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion across the Stop TB Partnership by ensuring that the voices of people from TB Key and Vulnerable Populations are included.

II. Who can Apply

Organizations, groups, and networks of (i.e., leb by) TB key and vulnerable populations. Networks of people affected by TB are considered part of the consituency of the community of people affected by TB, and they will therefore be considered ineligible.

Recognizing that many key and vulnerable populations are not organized as groups or networks, the constituency will also be open to individuals who:

  • belong to a key and vulnerable population as defined in section I above, and
  • is actively engaged in an NGO working with and/or representing TB Key and vulnerable populations

Individuals will be considered ineligible if they are:

  • private sector employees
  • goverment employees
  • employees of a donor or technical agency


Constituency Members are expected to:

  • The Board meets every 9 months and constituency members are required to familiarize themselves with Board documents and provide feedback through emails or calls. Estimated time commitment is about on day a year.
  • Constituency members may be requested to contribute between Board meetings when required by Board members. Estimated time commitment could be up to one day a year.

Interested candidates or nominees should send the following as a single Word of PDF file:

  • Curriculum Vitae (maximun two pages) including contact informations, language skills, and personal experience/relation with TB

Expected timeline

  1. Expression of interest to join the constituency disseminated widely.
  2. First constituency call by August 2023
  3. TOR for Board and Alternate Board Members and selection process by 27 September 2023
  4. Call for applications for Board and Alternate Board Members 1 October 2023 and closes on 1 November
  5. Evaluation of candidates and announcement of new Board Members and Alternate Board Members by 15 December 2023.

The closing date for expressions of interest is 15th August 2023.

All expressions of interest must be received by this date. Please email



For more information on the Stop TB Partnership Board, please visit our website at






[2] Including prisoners, sex workers, miners, hospital visitors, health care workers and community health workers; people who: live in urban slums, live in poorly ventilated or dusty conditions, are contacts of individuals with TB, including children, work in environments that are overcrowded, work in hospitals or are health care professionals, are in contact with or live with livestock, live or work in close proximity to cattle or ingest raw milk or blood.

[3] Including migrant workers, women in settings with gender disparity, children, refugees or internally displaced people,

illegal miners, and undocumented migrants; people who: are from tribal populations or indigenous peoples, are homeless

live in hard-to-reach areas, live in homes for the elderly, have mental or physical disabilities, face legal barriers to access care, are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

[4] Including people who: live with HIV, have diabetes or silicosis, undergo immunosuppressive therapy, are undernourished, use tobacco, suffer from alcohol-use disorders, inject drugs.